Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine

The LifeFlight legacy: 40 years in 40 photos

Since July 1984, LifeFlight has made 76,942 flights and transported 80,118 patients. It’s transported another 37,133 patients since its ground transport program began; critical care ground transports number 4,188.

This is the ever-expanding legacy: mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, wives, husbands, children and grandparents — alive. Explore an audio clip, map and more.

How to prepare for a medical emergency: A paramedic’s 10 things you need to know before the ambulance is on the way

Most people do not know what to expect when calling 911. Here is guidance from someone who knows.

Vanderbilt experts say there are potential hazards associated with using glow sticks.

Vanderbilt experts urge caution when using glow sticks

Pediatricians at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt urge everyone to use caution when using the popular glow-in-the-dark sticks and accessories.

New protocol moves pediatric ED patients to primary care clinic

Vanderbilt has created a pediatric emergency department to primary care clinic transfer protocol as an alternative for using the ED for non-urgent conditions that can be treated in a primary care setting.

Children’s Hospital sees increase in children poisoned by THC in marijuana edibles

They resemble candy. They taste like candy. Some children have ended up in intensive care.

Pediatric emergency visits, hospitalizations down sharply during pandemic: study

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, children’s hospitals across the United States have seen signification reductions in the number of children being treated for common pediatric illnesses like asthma and pneumonia, according to a new multicenter study led by Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.

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