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Study finds human milk component may protect adult intestinal health

The research may lead to new treatments for diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease and mucositis, a severe complication of chemotherapy.

Salmonella bacteria ‘steal’ nutrients from gut’s resident microbes

The discovery could point to novel strategies for treating food poisoning and other types of gastroenteritis.

Mariana Byndloss, DVM, PhD

Mariana Byndloss receives FASEB Excellence in Science Award

The annual awards highlight outstanding achievements by women in the biological sciences.

Mariana Byndloss, DVM, PhD, (left), graduate student Catherine Shelton, and their colleagues discovered that beneficial bacteria in the small intestines produce a compound that protects against obesity. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

Gut microbiota metabolite protects against obesity: study

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered that beneficial bacteria in the small intestines produce a compound that protects against obesity.

Commensal gut bacterium protects from severe intestinal infection

The commensal bacterium Turicibacter sanguinis could be used to protect against severe intestinal infections, Vanderbilt researchers discovered.

Randika “Randy” Perera, PhD, left, Wenhan Zhu, PhD, Walter Chazin, PhD, Luisella Spiga, PhD, Ryan Fansler and colleagues discovered that beneficial bacteria in the gut impact the competition that occurs between host cells and pathogens for the essential nutrient iron. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

Study discovers role for gut bacteria in host-pathogen competition for nutrients

Vanderbilt research shows that commensal gut microbes impact the host-pathogen competition for iron and has implications for therapeutic strategies aimed at preventing pathogens from acquiring essential nutrients.

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