Nature Communications (journal)

Rehab technique may boost supply of donor lungs

A new regeneration technique could potentionally add to a limited supply of donor organs for an increasing population with end-stage lung disease.

Researchers putting the brakes on lethal childhood cancer

Malignant rhabdoid tumor (MRT) is one of the most aggressive and lethal childhood cancers. Although rare — about 20 to 25 new cases are diagnosed annually in the United States — there is no standard effective treatment for the disease, which is driven by loss of an anti-cancer protein called SNF5. The chances are very small that a child will survive a year after MRT diagnosis.

Exploring the brain’s white matter

New comprehensive functional MRI measurements point to the need to update models for assessing brain white matter activity and physiology.

The exocyst dynamo

New methods have revealed details of vesicle trafficking in cells and are applicable to any protein complexes, potentially revolutionizing our understanding of cell dynamics.

RNA processing and antiviral immunity

John Karijolich and colleagues have discovered a link between cellular RNA processing and the innate cellular immune response to viral pathogens.

Team’s study reveals hidden lives of medical biomarkers

What do medical biomarkers do on evenings and weekends, when they might be considered off the clock?

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