Shade Tree Clinic

SOM instructors recognized for serving the underserved

Shade Tree Trot

Last Saturday’s Shade Tree Trot drew more than 700 runners and walkers to the Vanderbilt campus.

The Power to Heal

Photo: Family reunion

Faris Al-Jashami, his wife, Claudia, and son, Moohamed, came to the Shade Tree Clinic last week to thank the medical students and medical legal partnership volunteer who helped to reunite them.

Registration open for Shade Tree Trot in April

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine students hope hundreds of participants will come out to support their student-run free health clinic at this year’s Shade Tree Trot on Saturday, April 20.

Shade Tree’s social work team helps meet needs

In an emotional moment at the Shade Tree Clinic, patient Faris Al-Jashami grasped medical student Stephen Dorner’s hand and vigorously shook it. He thanked Dorner repeatedly for helping him, but it wasn’t help for a medical problem.

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