Vanderbilt Vaccine Center

Antibody trial launched to address enterovirus threat

Enterovirus D68 has caused an increasing number of infections during the past decade and is associated with acute flaccid myelitis, a polio-like condition that mostly affects children and causes sudden weakness and paralysis.

Scientists find antibodies that block parainfluenza virus infection

The antibodies may have clinical benefit as antiviral drugs to treat potentially life-threatening infections in elderly and immunosuppressed patients.

Antibodies may aid effort to fight influenza B: study

The findings reported in the journal Immunity support the development of a monoclonal antibody for prevention and treatment of influenza B — and will help guide efforts to develop a universal influenza vaccine.

Following the clues through time: Old mummies, old bones and old teeth lead to new insight into disease for Katherine Van Schaik

Radiology fellow moves from present-day patients to historical artifacts to understand health and illness

Mark Denison, MD, and Xiaotao Lu, MS, are among those on a new list of scientists whose papers have been cited the most frequently by other researchers. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

Twelve at Vanderbilt are among world’s highly cited researchers

Twelve current investigators at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Vanderbilt University are on this year’s list of scientists whose papers have been cited the most frequently by other researchers.

Crowe, Osheroff honored by AAMC

Vanderbilt’s James E. Crowe, Jr, MD, and Neil Osheroff, PhD, are among 12 individuals honored by the Association of American Medical Colleges during its 2023 Awards Recognition Event.

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