VUMC Health & Wellness

Flulapalooza 3 is Sept. 25

Flulapalooza 3 will be held Wednesday, Sept. 25, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. in a tent between Light Hall and the Veteran’s Administration Hospital.

TB skin testing resumes for VU faculty, staff

Routine TB skin testing, offered through Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Occupational Health Clinic, has resumed, effective immediately.

National shortage forces hiatus in routine TB testing

Due to an unprecedented national shortage of the tuberculosis (TB) skin testing solution Tubersol, Vanderbilt University Medical Center has temporarily paused routine skin testing of health care workers.

Initiative stresses safe patient handling techniques

Providing the best care for patients and their families also means making patient handling safety a priority.

Vaccination still key defense as flu season continues

As is the case throughout the country, this year’s flu season in Middle Tennessee is hitting elderly people particularly hard.

Observe National Heart Month

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