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Victor Borza

Vanderbilt students honored at national informatics conference

The AMIA student paper competition honors research conducted by students in informatics programs nationwide.

Karen Keady, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, System Chief Nursing Officer, and Jay Morrison, MSN, RN, director of Nursing Practice, were among the speakers at the virtual Nursing Staff Bylaws Convention. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

VUMC Nursing Staff Bylaws highlight latest, best practices

The convention allows nurses to contribute to and evaluate the frameworks for ethical decision-making, professional accountability and consistent standards of practice under which nurses operate. 

Options, options. Here’s how to get safe, age-appropriate toys for all the children on your holiday list.

Toys for young children need to match their stages of development and emerging abilities. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive, trendy gadget.

VUMC Clothes Closet is in need of coats and jackets, as well as other clothes for men and women

The Clothes Closet is the VUMC program that assists with clothing needs for adult patients and adult family members of patients. One of the most acute needs in colder months is for coats and jackets.


VUMC part of team developing advanced life-support tech for battlefield injured

Battlefield medics often have limited resources, time and expertise to provide life-sustaining, emergency care for those critically injured.

He was the heir to a pharmaceutical company fortune; she was a star of silent movies. Together, the legacies of Rudolph Light and Ann Rork Light continue to shine.

Part of an occasional series about the people behind the names of VUMC buildings.

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