Year: 2019

Dominique Herrington, MS, left, assists Aphasia Group member Alex Pearson in preparing for the day’s large-group discussions.

Aphasia Group helps patients build communication skills

For Dominique Herrington, MS, assistant manager of Rehab Services for the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences’ Pi Beta Phi Rehabilitation Institute, Thursdays are the best days to come to work.

A Metro Nashville Police Department crime scene investigator uses a nursing mannequin with simulated bruising to demonstrate how to photograph assault injuries to VUSN students Erin Talbott, left, Lauren Lariscy, Jennifer Pricher and Rita Peters.

VUSN launches Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program

Vanderbilt University School of Nursing recently held a three-day clinical immersion to launch its Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) education program for advanced practice nursing students, part of a $1.43 million grant from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).

Study aims to change standard of care for laryngeal paralysis

Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s David Zealear, PhD, has received a $3.6 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for a clinical trial to study the effectiveness of bilateral laryngeal pacing in treating patients with a bilaterally paralyzed larynx.

Past and present members of the Vanderbilt Transplant Center, guests and patients attended a celebration of VUMC’s 500th lung transplant at the Student Life Center Feb. 5. Shown here are (back row, from left) Matthew Bacchetta, MD, MBA, MA; Ivan Robbins, MD; Eric Grogan, MD, MPH; and Eric Lambright, MD; (front row, from left) James Loyd, MD; Pam Smith; Erin Gillaspie, MD, MPH; Andy Bolden and Ciara Shaver, MD, PhD. Bolden is the recipient of the 500th lung transplant at Vanderbilt, and Smith, who was transplanted at Vanderbilt in 1990, is the longest-surviving single-lung transplant patient in the United States. Vanderbilt performed its first combined heart/lung transplant in 1987 and its first single-lung transplant in 1990.

Celebrating a transplant milestone

Past and present members of the Vanderbilt Transplant Center, guests and patients attended a celebration of VUMC’s 500th lung transplant at the Student Life Center Feb. 5.

Patrick’s work lauded by Society for Pediatric Research

Stephen Patrick, MD, MPH, MS, has been named to receive the Society for Pediatric Research 2019 Young Investigator Award, an honor bestowed upon a young physician who has embarked on a career in investigative pediatrics.

Clinic to aid uninsured women with substance use disorders

Vanderbilt’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB-GYN) was recently awarded a $200,000 grant by the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (TDMHSAS) to provide increased access to medication-assisted treatment for uninsured women with substance use disorders.

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