With mid-year conversations underway across Vanderbilt University Medical Center and our legacy Performance Central system no longer available, performance evaluations and how they will occur in Workday may be top of mind for many employees. In the latest MyWorkday Change Network meeting, Senior Director of Human Resources Karen Rolling led attendees through this process and how it will be supported in Workday.
Also joining the discussion was Senior Director of Learning and Development Claudia Fontaine, who provided a refresher overview of two important topics: the supervisory organizational structure of Workday and the manager role within the system. She also discussed how temporary delegation of tasks to others will happen in Workday.
The critical topic of cutover was addressed by Julie Slick, assistant director of change management, who noted the important role the Change Network plays in communicating limitations on using current systems as the April 1 Go Live date approaches. She reminded the Change Network members that they receive a weekly summary of key cutover impacts—and that their responsibility is to share it with their co-workers. Employees interested in this information can also find it on the project website at www.vumc.org/myworkday/cutover.
Diana Ormsby, director of business education, provided more detail on how employees will be trained on Workday and Tecsy, noting that they will be enrolled in online training modules starting in mid-February. Because access to functionality and features within Workday will be specific to each employee’s role and the work they perform, training will also be role-based. Ormsby also reminded attendees about the WalkMe functionality within Workday that will be available at Go Live, noting that it provides in-app prompts to help guide users through common workflows.
Two identical sessions of the meeting took place on Jan. 24 and 25. Change Network meeting now take place twice a month, with the most recent occurring on Feb. 7, 2023.
Those interested can view the meeting recording and meeting slides. They can also visit the MyWorkday Change Network webpage for access to resources from previous meetings.
The MyWorkday project at VUMC involves the implementation of two new cloud-based systems, Workday and Tecsys. MyWorkday will transform VUMC’s business systems, bringing several benefits:
- Modernizing and simplifying VUMC’s technology architecture by moving us away from a patchwork of outdated systems to truly integrated cloud-based solution
- Giving VUMC more visibility into business data and making it easier to gain insights from that data
- Supporting VUMC’s continued growth with best-in-class technology
- Providing a streamlined, consistent, and modern user experience for a wide variety of business needs, including human resources, supply chain, finance and accounting, and research and grants
To learn more, visit the MyWorkday website: https://www.vumc.org/myworkday.