June 4, 2024

SHARE Center webinar, “No, It Isn’t Just Part of the Job: Responding to Sexual Violation in Health Care” to be June 14

VUMC’s Sexual Harassment Awareness, Response, and Education (SHARE) Center is hosting a webinar at 8:30 a.m. on June 14 titled, “No, It Isn’t Just Part of the Job: Responding to Sexual Violation in Health Care”

Most people enter healthcare with the best of intentions – to help, to empower, to heal, to care. Whether we begin our careers with formal training in medical or nursing school or find our role at VUMC through other avenues – the safety and well-being of our patients is always at the forefront and easily aligns with these intentions. 

The biggest challenge for many caregivers is the aspect that we receive the least amount of preparation for and often feel the most intimidated by – responding to sexually abusive words, behaviors, and actions by these same patients and visitors.  This 30-minute virtual Teams webinar will outline concrete strategies for responding to sexual violation by patients and visitors (regardless of the perceived intention), the resources available to VUMC faculty and staff who have experienced sexual violation at work, and important considerations for self-care if sexual violation does occur.  There will be a 15-minute Q&A at the conclusion of the 30-minute session.

The webinar is conducted by Heather Kamper, LCSW, the SHARE Center coordinator.

No, It Isn’t Just Part of the Job. Responding to Sexual Violation in Healthcare (vumc.org)