April 24, 2014

Schaffner honored by pharmacy association

William Schaffner, M.D., professor of Preventive Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, received the Immunization Champion Award — Friend of Pharmacy from the American Pharmacists Association (APA) at the group’s annual meeting recently in Orlando, Fla.

William Schaffner, M.D., professor of Preventive Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, received the Immunization Champion Award — Friend of Pharmacy from the American Pharmacists Association (APA) at the group’s annual meeting recently in Orlando, Fla.

William Schaffner, M.D.

The award recognizes individuals and organizations that have made extraordinary contributions toward improved vaccination rates within their communities.

Nationally renowned as an infectious disease expert, Schaffner is “a consummate ambassador for collaboration among immunization stakeholders. He has been a long-time supporter, adviser and advocate for pharmacists’ expanding role in immunizations and has gone on record in support of the profession’s efforts,” according to the APA.

“We need the collaboration of all health care providers in order to extend the benefits of prevention, eliminate disparities and create healthier individuals and communities,” Schaffner said.