Department of Health Policy

Opioid treatment can avoid foster care placement: study

If women are given medications to treat opioid use disorder during their pregnancy they are significantly more likely to retain custody of their newborns after delivery

Study tallies reports of unprofessional behavior among physicians

Reports from 193 hospitals were analyzed. It turns out that surgeons draw the most complaints.

2024 Chancellor Faculty Fellows selected

Each fellow holds the title for two years, receives $40,000 per year to support their work, and meets with their cohort to exchange ideas, build a broader intellectual community and engage in academic leadership development.

Clinician accountability program from VUMC associated with large savings

A program run by Vanderbilt University Medical Center that provides peer feedback to high-risk clinicians was associated with a significant decrease in malpractice claims costs at a large orthopaedic surgery practice, according to a recent study.

VUMC’s new automated biobanking system can store as many as 10 million biospecimens.

Training grant builds research ethics capacity for genetic and genomic research in Nigeria

The long-standing partnership between Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health (VIGH) and collaborators Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH) and Bayero University (BUK) is poised to address the growing demand for research in precision medicine in Africa.

Second-most used herbicide in the US linked to birth defect in national study 

At present, 44 countries, including the European Union, have banned or are phasing out atrazine due to concern for its negative effects on human health.

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