Leigh MacMillan

Pregnant tummy and clock

Dad’s diet influences birth timing

It may be possible to prevent preterm birth by modifying the father’s diet before a baby’s conception.

Brain power

Protecting brainpower during radiation

Blocking a certain protein during radiation to treat brain cancers could protect the brain’s thinking powers.


Antioxidant genes keep stomach moving

Antioxidant genes may be good targets for treating a stomach disorder that affects up to 40 percent of patients with diabetes.

Fine-tuned protein makes memories

Researchers discover new wrinkles in how proteins build memories.

Heart illustration thumbnail

Gene ups risk for needing pacemaker

Researchers have identified a gene that increases the risk for developing sick sinus syndrome – the most common cause for implanting a cardiac pacemaker.

Imaging Mass Spectometry

Grant bolsters molecular imaging resource

Vanderbilt has received a $10.3 million federal grant to establish a national research resource for mass spectometry.

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