Leigh MacMillan

Alexander Bick, MD, PhD, and colleagues are studying inflammation at the single-cell level in the rare disease RUNX1-FPD.

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative grant supports single-cell study of rare inherited disease

A multidisciplinary team led by Vanderbilt University Medical Center investigator Alexander Bick, MD, PhD, has been awarded a $2 million, four-year grant to study inflammation at the single-cell level in the rare disease RUNX1-FPD.

Anti-nausea drug response in children

Genetic variation in a metabolic enzyme was not associated with response to the anti-nausea drug odansetron in children, Vanderbilt researchers report.

Novel lung cancer biomarker

Autoantibodies against the p53 tumor suppressor protein may be a novel biomarker for identifying people, especially African Americans, at high risk for lung cancer.

The study team included, from left, Raymond Harris, MD, J.P. Arroyo, MD, PhD, and Gautam Bhave, MD, PhD.

VUMC researchers upend dogma about vasopressin production

Vanderbilt investigators have discovered that vasopressin, which has long been thought to be produced only in the brain, is also produced in the kidney.

Katonya Graham’s dedication and persistence saved a patient’s life

“Without Katonya’s efforts, the patient would not have seen us in a timely manner. This is condition where any delay in treatment can result in death or disability.”

Craig Brooks, PhD, and colleagues are studying a molecular mechanism that promotes chronic kidney disease following kidney injury. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

Novel therapeutic target identified for chronic kidney disease

Vanderbilt investigators have discovered a molecular mechanism that promotes chronic kidney disease following kidney injury.

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