VUMC News and Communications

Reunion helps build, reinforce alumni connections

Rainy weather couldn’t dampen the festivities as nearly 1,200 medical and nursing alumni returned to campus for Reunion for Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (VUSM) and Vanderbilt University School of Nursing (VUSN)

Deciphering DNA code

Gene mutation linked to breast cancer therapy resistance

A group of Vanderbilt-led investigators has identified a new gene mutation that may explain why some breast cancer patients do not respond to anti-hormone therapy.

Tindle to direct Tobacco Research and Treatment

November is well-known as Lung Cancer Awareness Month. It is also the month that highlights awareness of less publicized forms of cancer including pancreatic cancer and stomach cancer.

New protocol for young brain injury patients shows success

A new protocol put into place more than a year ago at Monroe Carrell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt is showing early signs of improving outcomes for patients with traumatic brain injuries.

Study finds national decline in one type of serious heart attack

The most emergent form of heart attacks is decreasing nationwide, but this declining incidence could affect emergency departments’ quality and timeliness of care.

Elise McMillan (Vanderbilt)

Down Syndrome group honors McMillan

Elise McMillan, J.D., received the Mollie Burd Gavigan Service Award from the Down Syndrome Association of Middle Tennessee (DSAMT) in recognition of McMillan’s “instrumental role in improving the lives of individuals with Down syndrome in Middle Tennessee.” The award was presented recently at the annual DSAMT Buddy Race.

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