VUMC News and Communications

Forum on fragile X syndrome June 20

Panelists will discuss how research findings are improving clinical care of this inherited disability.

Celebrate Survivors’ Day June 18

Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center will host a celebration for cancer survivors on June 18, featuring a talk by Lance Armstrong’s mother, Linda Armstrong Kelly.

Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt takes steps to reduce accidental drowning

Balser outlines goals at VUSM Spring Faculty Meeting

At the School of Medicine Spring Faculty Meeting May 25, Jeff Balser, vice chancellor for health affairs and the dean of the School of Medicine, told a packed Light Hall audience that Vanderbilt has made significant progress toward its priority goals of endowed support for chairs and student scholarship, but there is still work to be done.

Trauma Prom with Hollywood theme set for June 17

New cash register system at pharmacies coming June 6

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