Aliquots - Research Briefs

Rare case: brain injury stirs creativity, synesthesia

Vanderbilt researchers report on a musician who acquired synesthesia — a merging of sensations — and improved creativity following a traumatic brain injury.

Novel treatments for fake patients

A customizable framework uses simulated patients to distinguish effects of a new treatment from “learning effects” for clinicians; it should help identify training opportunities and hasten treatment improvements.

Rare disorder sheds light on dysbindin function

A case study of a rare disorder uncovers roles for the protein dysbindin in the adaptive immune response and suggests that mutations may underlie some cases of very early onset inflammatory bowel disease.

Magnesium deficiency and blood pressure

Dietary magnesium depletion in a mouse model activated inflammatory pathways and molecules that promote hypertension, suggesting that increased magnesium consumption may be beneficial for reducing the prevalence of hypertension.

Pathways to a healthy liver

Hepatic stellate cells maintain liver mass and function; the signaling factors they use could be exploited therapeutically to promote liver regeneration and inhibit cancerous proliferation, Vanderbilt researchers suggest.

Mosaicism and genetic disease

Genetic mosaicism — when the body’s cells do not all have the same genetic makeup — could generate variants previously thought to be spontaneous in genetic disease, and detecting parental mosaicism could clarify recurrence risk for future children.

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