Aliquots - Research Briefs

RSV-HRV viral interference

RSV infection reduces the risk of infection with human rhinovirus, which could have implications for vaccine development and prevention strategies for viral respiratory tract infections in infants.

Insulin in vials

EETs contribute to insulin sensitivity

Interventions that increase circulating levels of compounds called EETs may improve insulin sensitivity and treat hypertension.

Insulin in vials

Therapeutic targets for diabetes

Vanderbilt investigators have identified novel regulators of insulin-producing beta-cell proliferation and survival, suggesting new targets for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Clue to recurrent C. diff infection

Children who experience recurrent C. diff infections may have fecal inflammatory markers that could predict risk and improve management of these infections.

Regulating anxiety in the brain

Two brain signaling pathways have overlapping functions in regulating anxiety, suggesting that therapeutics aimed at one or the other will impact both.

Polarity protein role in cell survival

Vanderbilt investigators have identified an unexpected link between cell survival and the polarized delivery of proteins to the surface of mammary epithelial cells.

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