Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt

Registered respiratory therapist Natasha Vanderbilt, RRT, encourages 10-year-old Kate to exhale a complete breath during a lung function test in the Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine clinic. (photo by Susan Urmy)

Removing race improves accuracy of lung function testing in children

The study suggests the adjustment for race in spirometry resulted in an underreporting — and thus possibly undertreatment — of chronic lung diseases, including asthma and cystic fibrosis, in Black children.

Melanie Walker implemented a new mechanical breathing assist mode in the PICU in just four days. Her quick work saved a child’s life.

Walker received a VUMC Credo Award for her dedication to that patient and to quality and safe respiratory care for pediatric patients.

Expert tips for staying safe in the heat

Following basic summer safety tips will help keep your family safe and healthy as temperatures rise.

From clinic to comic cons: Team helps nonverbal, nonmobile patient unlock his interviewing voice

Seven years ago, asking questions was not possible. Ivan, who is nonverbal and nonmobile, had no way to communicate. What he was thinking, feeling or wanting was always a “best guess” for his mom.

Stokes, Austin, Rosas-Salazar honored by the American Thoracic Society

The mission of the ATS is to promote the respiratory health of children and adolescents and to improve the care of children with respiratory disease through research, education, patient care and advocacy.

A man who wears “20 different hats,” Jonathan Kraft earns Credo Award for his dedication to pediatric patients and his colleagues

“In the OR, kids don’t have anyone except the doctors, techs and nurses taking care of them. They can’t speak for themselves. I realize the privilege and responsibility I have to those kids, and I’ve felt a lot of purpose in my role.”

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