Vanderbilt Kennedy Center

VKC Reading Clinic seeks tutors for summer 2015

The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Reading Clinic is seeking students and professional teachers to serve as part-time reading clinic tutors and teacher tutors during the summer 2015 program.

VKC Reading Clinic now accepting summer applications

Enrollment is now open for the summer 2015 program of the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Reading Clinic. The clinic provides individualized, one-to-one tutoring using assessments and evidence-based instructional methods shown to promote reading.

Photo: Anniversary celebration

The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center is celebrating 50 years of transforming the lives of people with disabilities through discovery, service and training.

Autism Partnership founder to speak Feb. 23

The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center will welcome Autism Partnership founder and co-director John McEachin, Ph.D., on Monday, Feb. 23, at 4:10 p.m. as he presents a lecture titled “Helping Children with ASD Become More Responsive Learners.” A reception will be held following the lecture.

Copper toxicity and Parkinson’s

A genetic predisposition to Parkinson’s disease makes neurons more vulnerable to the toxicity of heavy metals such as copper.

Vanderbilt Star competition rescheduled for March 22

Ten students from Vanderbilt University and Belmont University will compete for a one-song record deal.

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