Vanderbilt University Hospital

Room-cleaning robots use UV radiation to zap microorganisms

Germ-killing robots are being enlisted to further safeguard Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) patients from health care-associated infections.

Vanderbilt physicians lauded by Best Doctors in America

Best Doctors in America, a biennial listing of the nation’s physicians who are peer selected for inclusion, is once again acknowledging the expertise of Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s (VUMC) faculty.

It’s all about the patient for surgical oncologist Solórzano

Surgical oncologist Carmen Solórzano, M.D., senses she has a reputation for being tough on residents. It doesn’t bother her.

Ideas abound for fulfulling Patient and Family Promise

Beginning this week, the first of a series of six messages is being distributed to Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) employees highlighting ways to best fulfill the Vanderbilt Patient and Family Promise, a guiding principle that was created by patients and providers and adopted at VUMC in 2013.

Labor and Delivery unit set for major renovation

Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s (VUMC) Center for Women’s Health recently announced plans for a $6 million renovation of its Labor and Delivery suites and postpartum rooms.

Round Wing unit lauded for infection control efforts

The General Medicine unit on the third floor of the Round Wing of Medical Center North is celebrating more than four years without a catheter-associated urinary tract infection.

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