External Story

Links to stories that exist on other websites.

Off Limits: Doctors are working to research and treat the increasing number of Americans with severe food allergies


Capstone app project for MOOC to manage cancer patients’ pain

1,165 budding programmers are participating in the university’s first MOOC capstone project – one that will result in a certificate for graduates and better pain management for patients at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Alexander’s visit highlights efforts to confront Ebola

Don’t panic over Ebola. But don’t ignore it, either. That was the take-home message for U.S. citizens from a “mini-hearing” held by U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., at Vanderbilt University Medical Center on Wednesday with researchers and health officials from Vanderbilt and the State of Tennessee.

Outpatient pharmacy debuts online refills

The Vanderbilt Outpatient Pharmacy has launched a website to allow current customers to request refills online.

Flexner Dean’s lecture features David Asch Sept. 8

The Flexner Dean’s Lecture Series will feature 
University of Pennsylvania’s David A. Asch on Sept. 8.

Dr. Charles H. Griffith III

Alumnus elected to National Medical Honor Society Board of Directors

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