Research Blog

Family’s gift bolsters schizophrenia research, treatment

A “transformational” $6.4 million gift from Dallas couple Donald Test Jr., and his wife, Charlotte, who have a very personal connection to the devastating disease of schizophrenia, is supporting Vanderbilt Department of Psychiatry research and treatment into schizophrenia and related disorders.

Research by VUMC nurses takes center stage at annual event

Nursing research was on full display in Light Hall recently during the Research Day Poster Presentations, organized by the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and Nursing Research Committee.

Twelve Vanderbilt faculty elected AAAS fellows

Twelve members of Vanderbilt’s faculty have been elected fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for their “scientifically or socially distinguished efforts to advance science or its applications.”

Tindle to direct Tobacco Research and Treatment

November is well-known as Lung Cancer Awareness Month. It is also the month that highlights awareness of less publicized forms of cancer including pancreatic cancer and stomach cancer.

Grant bolsters inguinal hernia repair research

Martin Blakely, M.D., M.S., has been awarded a $3 million federal grant for a multi-center, multi-disciplinary study to examine the safety outcomes of early versus later inguinal hernia repair for premature infants.

Standardized social, behavioral data key to EHR success

In recent years the federal government has used financial incentives and penalties to promote use of electronic health records (EHR), but in these regulations the issue of EHR data interoperability — that is, data standardization — has been left largely unresolved, dimming prospects for data exchange, population health surveillance and systematic improvement across health networks.

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