Health and Medicine


Molecular ‘switch’ may illuminate stomach disorders

An international team that included researchers from Vanderbilt University Medical Center has discovered a molecular switch that induces rapid proliferation of zymogen granule-secreting chief cells in the stomach to regenerate damaged tissue.

Andy Weiss, PhD, Caitlin Murdoch, PhD, and colleagues have characterized the first zinc metallochaperone: a protein that puts zinc into other “client” proteins.

Study identifies first cellular “chaperone” for zinc, sheds light on worldwide public health problem of zinc deficiency

A team led by Vanderbilt researchers has described and characterized the first zinc metallochaperone: a protein that puts zinc into other “client” proteins.

From left, Raymond C. Harris, MD, Shirong Cao, MD, PhD, Ming-Zhi Zhang, MD, MSc, and colleagues are studying the role of inflammation in obesity.

Study sheds light on the dark side of obesity

Vanderbilt research that promotes the anti-inflammatory pathway in macrophages could also reduce some of the bad side effects of obesity.

VUMC-led study finds Moderna COVID vaccine safe and effective for children

Resistance to COVID-19 drug detected in lab study

Vanderbilt research shows that the virus that causes COVID-19 can develop partial resistance to the antiviral drug remdesivir during infection of cultured cells in the laboratory by more than one mechanism.  

Autism and sleep problems

Vanderbilt researchers developed a framework for using de-identified medical records to characterize sleep in people on the autism spectrum — a framework that should also be useful for studying other neurodevelopmental disorders.

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