Health and Medicine

Molecular testing across tumor types

The KRAS inhibitor sotorasib is newly approved for one kind of lung cancer; Vanderbilt researchers ask if it should be considered for another type if the tumor has the gene mutation it targets.

When science spills onto social media

Vanderbilt researchers report that social media posts can offer insights into how the public feels about genome editing, with stances varying across platforms and differing from those of academics and policy makers.

Youthful healing for burn wounds

Topical treatment of burns with an immunosuppressive drug counteracted the negative effects of aging on wound healing, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

Lehmann named to receive Vanderbilt Prize in Biomedical Science

Renowned developmental geneticist Ruth Lehmann, PhD, is the recipient of the 2022 Vanderbilt Prize in Biomedical Science.

A VUMC study found that following up with patients within the week after their hospital discharge as a stand-alone intervention has no impact on readmissions, mortality or patient satisfaction.

Financial impact of prior authorization

Prior authorization — health insurer approval of a medical intervention prior to treatment — costs more than $40 million for U.S. academic radiation oncology practices, with questionable value added to patient care.

Peptides promote AFib arrhythmia

Peptide oligomers have detrimental metabolic effects and cause pro-arrhythmic electrophysiological changes in heart atria, suggesting they may contribute to atrial fibrillation.

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