research videos

Creating the bionic arm of the future

Vanderbilt University is part of a revolutionary national program aimed at creating more life-like prosthetics for the thousands of amputees in this country.

Senior Day Study Break Video: "Influenza: A Concern for All People (pan demos)"

James Crowe, M.D., is a Vanderbilt professor of pediatrics, microbiology and immunology. Crowe discussed the concerns associated with possible influenza pandemic.

VUMC Researchers Study ‘Chemo Fog’

Research shows teenage girls think faster than teenage boys

It appears to be true – girls can think faster than guys – at least as teenagers.

Video: Creating the Star Chamber

Atop one of the highest points in the Nashville area, a spiral sculpture of stone is taking shape that will combine art and science in an innovative approach to making science compelling, especially to students.

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