Seven interdisciplinary programs land TIPs awards for 2018

Vanderbilt University’s transformational Trans-Institutional Programs initiative heads into a fourth year with grants awarded to seven interdisciplinary projects that involve more than 60 faculty members.

Looking beyond the ‘magic bullet’ approach to drug discovery

Vanderbilt scientists have developed a new process that can rapidly and inexpensively identify personalized cancer drugs derived from nature.

fragile, falling apart old book being positioned for scanning by gloved hands

Wond’ry exhibit takes digital humanities into three dimensions

A new exhibit at the Wond’ry showcasing the work of Vanderbilt’s Slave Societies Digital Archive will feature some unusual pieces of digital preservation: 3D-printed replicas of significant artifacts.

‘Gun Violence Prevention: A Community Conversation’ Feb. 14

A panel discussion on gun violence prevention, along with a moderated public debate, will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 14, at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

‘Mind’s eye blink’ proves ‘paying attention’ is not just a figure of speech

Vanderbilt psychologists have discovered that when you shift your attention from one place to another, your brain ‘blinks’—or experiences momentary gaps in perception.

L-r: Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons, Heather Conner, Donna Y. Ford, Rhonda Y. Williams, D. Borden Lacy, Erik William Carter, Jeffrey L. Neul, Kevin M. Stack, Atsushi Inoue, Jonathan G. Schoenecker, Joni Hersch and Provost Susan R. Wente at the Oct. 23 endowed chair celebration. (John Russell/Vanderbilt)

Celebration honors 11 university endowed chair holders

Eleven Vanderbilt University faculty members named to endowed chairs were honored Oct. 23 during a festive celebration at the Student Life Center.

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