biomedical engineering

red laser beam

Optical imaging in drug therapy screens

A non-invasive imaging tool could test potential cancer therapies quickly to personalize therapy for patients.

Anita at work in her lab

Mahadevan-Jansen elected chair of Gordon Research Conference

Anita Mahadevan-Jansen, Orrin H. Ingram Professor of Biomedical Engineering, has been elected chair of the Gordon Research Conference in Lasers in Medicine and Biology.

Factor impacts bone toughness

The factor ATF4 has a role in the toughness of bone and its resistance to fracture, suggesting new therapeutic targets.

Free online course on data management for clinical research now underway

Vanderbilt University’s latest offering on the online learning platform Coursera, “Data Management for Clinical Research,” went live this week. More than 33,000 number of students have registered for the massive open online course or MOOC.

robot hand

Vanderbilt Medicine: Robotics revolution

In the foreseeable future, robots will be sticking steerable needles in your brain to remove blood clots; capsule robots will be crawling up your colon as a painless replacement for the colonoscopy; and ultra-miniaturized snake robots will remove tumors from your bladder and other body cavities.

Predicting cancer’s response to therapy

Researchers are developing imaging methods to predict patient outcome early in the course of chemotherapy for breast cancer – to allow clinicians to adjust therapy for patients who are not responding.

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