cancer biology

x-ray of stomach

A DARPP role in gastric cancer

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered a link between Helicobacter pylori infection, inflammation and gastric cancer that could suggest new anti-cancer therapies.

firefighters battle a wildfire

EGF receptor found to regulate macrophage inflammation in gut

Researchers at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine have uncovered a link between epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling and the inflammatory response to bacterial infection in the gastrointestinal tract.

Basic science, extraordinary impact

The discoveries that can change the course of human health forever often begin in the tiniest places: in molecules and cells, at the most fundamental intersection of physics, chemistry and biology. Understanding how these cellular and molecular processes work is the focus of basic biomedical research at Vanderbilt.

In search of new cancer targets

Vanderbilt researchers developed a new algorithm to find clinically targetable gene rearrangements in cancers.

Proliferative capacity of neuroblastoma

The sphere-forming frequency of neuroblastoma cells is a measure of their proliferative capacity and could help guide treatment strategies for neuroblastoma.

New breast cancer driver

Vanderbilt investigators have demonstrated that a certain protein complex drives tumor progression in aggressive breast cancers.

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