cancer biology

VU study sheds new light on DNA replication

David Cortez, Ph.D., and his Vanderbilt colleagues report new findings that shed light on fundamental processes involved in DNA replication and have implications for cancer therapies that target these processes.

Gene interactions and cavities

Vanderbilt researchers used existing genome-wide association study datasets to identify gene interactions that contribute to tooth decay.

Tumor factor spurs blood vessel growth

A newly identified factor regulates blood vessel growth in colorectal tumors and could be a promising target for cancer therapies.

Visualizing data on network ‘maps’

The new web application NetGestalt will allow investigators to simultaneously visualize different types of data for the same gene – such as mutation, expression and modification.

Predicting cancer’s response to therapy

Researchers are developing imaging methods to predict patient outcome early in the course of chemotherapy for breast cancer – to allow clinicians to adjust therapy for patients who are not responding.

Vanderbilt to host seventh international conference on tetraspanin scaffolding

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