
Preterm births in Tennessee decreased during pandemic

Statewide stay-at-home orders put in place as Tennessee fought to control the spread of coronavirus last March were associated with a 14% lower rate of preterm birth, according to a research letter published today in JAMA Pediatrics.

Tears of joy, tears of sorrow — College sweethearts, a COVID unit wedding, and a love story that ended too soon

The inside story of how VUMC’s COVID unit staff pulled together to arrange a wedding, and a reminder that not every love story has a happy ending

Infection Prevention team likens pandemic to an ultramarathon

“We always say that infection prevention is everyone’s business, and the pandemic reflects that.”

VHAN collaborations strengthened members during pandemic

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, members of the Vanderbilt Health Affiliated Network (VHAN) — a clinically integrated network in Tennessee and surrounding states that now includes more than 6,100 clinicians, 70 hospitals, 13 health systems and hundreds of physician practices and clinics — were hit with challenges they might have never previ

Rounds: “Simply Unfinished:” Our path to vaccination

Who is that masked man?

Frank Nix of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit finds a way to connect with patient families with his custom face covers

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