Daniel Liebler

Team’s discovery offers new insight on lung cancer risk

Researchers in the Schools of Medicine and Engineering at Vanderbilt University have discovered a proteomic “signature” from the airways of heavy smokers that could lead to better risk assessment and perhaps new ways to stop lung cancer before it starts.

Ayers Institute spurred key cancer research gains

In 2005, Tennessee philanthropists Jim and Janet Ayers gave $10 million to help Vanderbilt University scientists find early markers for colorectal cancer that could improve diagnosis and potentially save lives.

Study sheds light on a ‘guardian’ protein of brain function

Mitochondria not only are the cell’s main power producers, they are also the chief cooks and bottle washers.

VU study creates new road map for cellular activity

Human cells are constructed in large part from proteins whose activity can be altered by the incorporation of oxygen in what are known as redox modifications.

Colon cancer’s protein signatures identified

A Vanderbilt University-led research team has identified protein “signatures” of genetic mutations that drive colorectal cancer, the nation’s second leading cause of cancer deaths after lung cancer.

American Chemical Society honors VUMC’s Liebler

Daniel Liebler, Ph.D., Ingram Professor of Cancer Research, professor of Biochemistry, and director of the Ayers Institute for Precancer Detection and Diagnosis, has been selected as one of 96 fellows of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society.