Department of Surgery


Molecular ‘switch’ may illuminate stomach disorders

An international team that included researchers from Vanderbilt University Medical Center has discovered a molecular switch that induces rapid proliferation of zymogen granule-secreting chief cells in the stomach to regenerate damaged tissue.

Current and former ECLS (ECMO) fellows include, from left, John Stokes, MD, Yuliya Tipograf, MD, Yatrik Patel, MD, and Sean Francois, MD.

ECMO fellowship program provides lifesaving training

Vanderbilt’s extracorporeal life support fellowship gives new doctors two years of hands-on experience with a lifesaving critical care tool, one that has only become more important during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Patient’s donation triggers chain of kidney transplants

Mary Marlowe couldn’t have known it at the time, but her decision in January 2021 to give a kidney to a total stranger would set off a chain reaction that would result in four people getting kidneys in one week in September 2021 at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.


Multicenter team seeks to create at-home artificial lung system

Vanderbilt University Medical Center is part of a multi-institutional teem seeking to create an artificial lung system that patients with incurable lung disease can use at home.

Diverticulitis surgery: guidelines needed

Surgical removal of the colon for recurrent diverticulosis varies by geographic region and is associated with surgeon and hospital factors; stronger national guidelines are needed, Vanderbilt researchers report.

Team seeks to rehab damaged donor livers for transplant

A Vanderbilt team is studying whether injured human donor livers declined for transplant can be recovered by cross-circulation between the human liver and a xenogeneic host.

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