Department of Surgery

An initiative at VUMC is helping patients recover more quickly from major surgery, leave the hospital earlier and have fewer side effects from their pain management.

VUAH applies new approach for patient recovery after surgery

An initiative at VUMC is helping patients recover more quickly from major surgery, leave the hospital earlier and have fewer side effects from their pain management.

Carmen Solórzano, MD, left, Emmanuel Mannoh, Giju Thomas, PhD, Naira Baregamian, MD, and colleagues are testing a device to assist in locating parathyroid glands during surgery.

Clinical trial tests device that detects parathyroid glands

Vanderbilt is testing a device to assist in locating parathyroid glands during surgery.

x-ray of stomach

VUMC study sheds light on gastric cancer development

VUMC researchers have created the world’s first laboratory model of precancerous changes in the lining of the stomach, a scientific tour de force that is helping to unlock the mysteries of gastric cancer development.

Dmochowski named Interim Vice President for Perioperative Services

Roger Dmochowski, MD, MMHC, has been named Interim Vice President for Perioperative Services for Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC).

No such thing as a low-risk surgery for frail patients

Even a minor surgery such as a laparoscopic gallbladder removal can prove to be a high-risk and even fatal procedure for frail patients, according to new research.

Bailey to direct general surgery residency program

Christina Bailey, MD, MSCI, assistant professor of Surgery, has been named the new program director of the general surgery residency training program in the Department of Surgery, Section of Surgical Sciences.

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