featured research

Studies shed new light on how nitric oxide is produced

The discovery of a previously unrecognized and pivotal role of enzyme ASL in nitric oxide production could potentially lead to new therapies for babies with pulmonary hypertension.

Deciphering DNA code

Study applies random genotype sets to new disease

Child with a cold

VUMC researchers reveal darker side of common cold

Soliders in mental health training

Training addresses returning service members’ mental health needs

A Vanderbilt-led workshop for military health care providers could lead to more post-deployment mental health referrals.

Virus-linked cancer gets help from host

Host cell protein may be a target for strategies to limit spread of virus-induced squamous cell cancers.

Study points to personal treatment for atrial fibrillation

Individuals with atrial fibrillation who have a particular genetic variant respond better to rate control therapy.

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