heart attack

Uninsured heart attack patients more likely to be transferred to another facility: study

A new study finds that uninsured heart attack patients are more likely to be transferred.

Heart repair factor

A signaling factor called Wnt10b is a novel target for optimizing cardiac repair after a heart attack.

VUMC recognized for high standard of cardiac care

The American College of Cardiology has recognized Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) for its commitment to and success in implementing a higher standard of care for heart attack patients.

Delivering cells for heart repair

A polymer hydrogel material developed by Vanderbilt scientists improved the delivery of stem cells for heart repair.

Target for atherosclerosis therapies

A newly identified “atheroprotective” gene is a tool for exploring plaque pathophysiology and may be a good target for therapies to slow atherosclerosis progression.

Study finds national decline in one type of serious heart attack

The most emergent form of heart attacks is decreasing nationwide, but this declining incidence could affect emergency departments’ quality and timeliness of care.

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