Probing H. pylori cancer protein

Understanding how a bacterial protein that influences the risk of stomach cancer is produced could guide new strategies for treatment.

The yin and yang of cell signaling

Larry Marnett and colleagues have explored the role of two enzymes in metabolizing molecules associated with cell proliferation, inflammatory processes and neurological diseases.

array of test tubes with pipette dropping fluid into one

Destructive ‘telegrams’ in asthma

Vanderbilt investigators have discovered that certain microRNAs — “telegram”-like signals — increase after the induction of allergic airway inflammation.

Signals from the “conveyor belt”

Vanderbilt researchers propose that cellular signaling pathways are amplified by a “conveyor belt” mechanism that exchanges active and inactive enzymes.


Building a pancreas

Vanderbilt investigators are defining the genetic programs that control the development of pancreatic beta cells — studies that could inform new cellular or regenerative therapies for diabetes.

Bile acids mediate metabolic benefits of weight-loss surgery

A team of Vanderbilt investigators has pinpointed the role of bile acids and a specific signaling pathway in the positive metabolic effects of weight-loss surgery.

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