Antacids: risky for premature babies

Antacids that block a certain enzyme pose a risk for a common cardiac problem in premature infants.

Factor reduces virus-related asthma attacks

An immune system factor associated with severe asthma may actually reduce asthma attacks induced by viral infections.

Fingers and toes: joint forming factor

The gene Has2 participates in signaling that is important in developing fingers and toes, and may have relevance for cancer development.

Gene ‘dose’ may be key to autism

Individuals with overexpression of the gene MECP2 have core features of autism spectrum disorder.

Target for inflammatory bowel disease

The factor STAT6 appears to play a role in the pathogenesis of an inflammatory bowel disease, suggesting it may be a promising target for new treatments.

Bird’s eye view of gut development

A new map of the developing gut of quail offers valuable tool for studying intestinal diseases.

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