New clue to ADHD

A rare genetic change adds support to the idea that altered dopamine signaling is a key risk factor for ADHD.

Intestinal artillery launches anti-bacterial attack

The epithelial cells that line the intestines have a newly discovered mechanism for protecting us against microbes: they fire anti-bacterial “bullets” into the gut.

Perfect timing for sensory processing

Identification of brain regions involved in processing sights and sounds may offer insights into disorders like autism and dyslexia.

Probing epilepsy’s molecular sparks

Understanding how mutations in neuronal receptors contribute to epilepsy could lead to improved therapies.

Early stomach troubles augur anxiety

Children with stomach troubles grow up to be anxious adolescents and young adults, according to a recent study.

Better blood pressure-reducing drugs?

A newer version of an old class of blood pressure lowering drugs may offer advantages for obese patients with metabolic syndrome.

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