Exploring the brain’s white matter

New comprehensive functional MRI measurements point to the need to update models for assessing brain white matter activity and physiology.

Team seeks to create gene expression map of worm’s nervous system

How do you build a brain? What “rules” govern where neurons end up, how they connect to each other, and which functions they perform?

Vitamin C protects brain from seizures

Brain ascorbate — vitamin C — is important for protecting the brain against seizures and cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease.

Probing the pathology of impaired cognition

Detecting the neuropathology underlying cognitive impairment by lead to new targeted therapies.

A brain-builder called “Shh”

New findings demonstrate a previously unappreciated role of Shh signaling activity in the proliferation of CGNPs — the presumed cell-of-origin for a subset of the malignant pediatric brain tumor medulloblastoma.

photo of David Charles and Mallory Hacker

Parkinson’s study to track impact of DBS on earliest patients

A decade after taking part in the first clinical trial of deep brain stimulation (DBS) administered during very early-stage Parkinson’s disease, participants will return to Vanderbilt University Medical Center this year to be re-evaluated.

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