nurse practitioner

Ashley Brown Panas, MD, is one of several advanced providers on the Vanderbilt LifeFlight crew that include physicians and nurse practitioners.

LifeFlight adds NPs, physicians to expand flight crew

Patients treated and transported by Vanderbilt LifeFlight are now receiving a higher level of care thanks to the credentialing of more than 20 flight nurses as nurse practitioners and the addition of a flight physician at several LifeFlight bases.

VUSN seeking applicants for new community-based nurse practitioner fellowship

New nurse practitioners and nurse practitioner students who want to work with rural or medically underserved populations are invited to apply for Vanderbilt University School of Nursing’s new community-based nurse practitioner fellowships based in Tennessee.

VUSN’s Christian Ketel, DNP, MSN, left, Courtney Pitts, DSN, Leah Branam and Pam Jones, DNP, will use HRSA grants to increase the number of nurse practitioners in rural and medically underserved areas.

Grant to help increase nurse practitioners in rural areas

Vanderbilt University School of Nursing has received $5 million in federal funding to boost the number of nurse practitioners working in rural and underserved communities.

Boot camp boosts critical care skills

More than 300 nurse practitioners and physician assistants from 40 states visited the Vanderbilt University Medical Center campus last week to attend the seventh annual Acute Care Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant Critical Care Boot Camp.

doctor or nurse examining chest x-ray

VUSN and VUMC researchers receive FAANP funding for Choosing Wisely collaborative study

A collaborative project between Vanderbilt University School of Nursing and Vanderbilt University Medical Center has received funding to pilot a project aimed at demonstrating the influence of nurse practitioners in reducing unnecessary testing.

Critical care nurse springs into action when young friend suffers stroke

A 27-year-old Nashville woman is thankful a neuro critical care nurse practitioner from Vanderbilt University Medical Center was nearby when she suffered a stroke last month.