prescription drugs

Study finds sexual minority communities disproportionately engage in behaviors to reduce medication costs

People from sexual minority populations, including members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer communities, are more likely than heterosexual people to engage in behaviors to reduce medication costs.

Employer Roundtable explores prescription drug spending

Some employers have called prescription drug benefits the “black hole” of company-backed health plans, with costs escalating despite years of efforts to bring them in check.

Image of pain pills (iStock Photo)

Study highlights need for orthopaedic surgeons to use caution when prescribing opioid pain medications

A Vanderbilt physician researcher is highlighting that orthopaedic surgeons are among the highest prescribers of opioid pain medicine in the United States and calling on practitioners to exercise caution when prescribing the potentially addictive pain medicine.

Outpatient Pharmacy debuts online refills

The Vanderbilt Outpatient Pharmacy has launched a website to allow current customers of the pharmacy to request refills online.

Research makes case for prospective genotyping

Vanderbilt researchers are investigating the potential benefits of prospective genetic testing for drug safety.