Reporter Dec 11 2020

A deeper look at out-of-home care

Geographically targeted efforts to prevent children being placed in out-of-home care might be possible, Vanderbilt researchers report.

Polymer protection for heart muscle

Vanderbilt researchers demonstrate that the polymer P188 has promise as a therapy to prevent reperfusion injury — the cellular damage that occurs when blood flow returns after an ischemic event like a heart attack.

Vanderbilt LifeFlight sees large increase in Covid-19 transports

Vanderbilt LifeFlight has transported more than 220 Covid-19 patients since the pandemic started with the numbers rising dramatically in the last few weeks.

Model students: improving clinical decision-making

Vanderbilt investigators have devised a system to alert health IT teams to deteriorating performance in clinical prediction models.

Exploiting viral vulnerabilities

The isolation of human monoclonal antibodies against dangerous viruses including EEEV, Hendra and Nipah could offer new ways to treat and prevent these infections.

Katie Coate, PhD, left, Jeeyeon Cha, MD, PhD, and colleagues are working to understand the interaction of diabetes and COVID-19.

Study sheds light on diabetes and COVID interaction

COVID-19 has been linked to cases of new-onset diabetes, diabetes-related emergencies and a higher death rate among diabetes patients.

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