Reporter Feb 4 2022

Children’s Hospital patients get creative for Vanderbilt Men’s Basketball team as part of Coaches vs. Cancer

Respiratory therapist Melanie Walker now works at Children’s Hospital helping NICU patients with breathing needs.

Respiratory therapist was once a neonatal intensive care unit patient

Melanie Walker knows was once a patient in Vanderbilt’s neonatal intensive care unit. Today, she’s a respiratory therapist at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.

Team to study using probiotics to reduce heart disease risk

A Vanderbilt research team has received a $7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to understand how alcohol’s effect on the gut microbiome drives heart disease.

Study finds shorter treatment better for young children with outpatient pneumonia

A Vanderbilt study found that five days of antibiotics is superior to 10 days for children with community-acquired pneumonia who are not hospitalized.

Travis Osterman, DO, MS, is working to establish common data standards for oncology clinicians and researchers.

Osterman plays key role in major oncology EHR initiative

Vanderbilt’s Travis Osterman, DO, MS, is leading an integral component of the Minimal Common Data Elements (mCODE) initiative, establishing common data standards for oncology clinicians and researchers.

New model helps expand opioid use care options

Vanderbilt is using an innovative hub and spoke treatment model to care for patients with opioid use disorder.

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