Reporter March 8 2013

Vice Chancellor Jeff Balser (Vanderbilt)

Rounds: A message from the Vice Chancellor

I write to you this month in the wake of a series of immediate federal expense reductions, known as the “sequester.” True, the country is grappling with a federal debt load that is unsustainable, and reversal of this trend is essential to our country’s future.

New core to aid research related to nutrition and diet

A new research core has been established to help Vanderbilt University Medical Center investigators optimize their nutrition- and diet-related study designs, methods, measures, interventions and analysis.

Penn seeks new look at eye disorder

John Penn, Ph.D., vice chair of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at Vanderbilt, is seeking to change the way retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), the leading cause of childhood blindness worldwide, is treated.

Structural heart disease clinic debuts at One Hundred Oaks

Life just got a little easier for Vanderbilt patients with structural heart disease.

Photo: Brain Blast!

About 300 people attended Brain Blast, a half-day of fun and education on Saturday at Vanderbilt Health One Hundred Oaks.

Guidelines for pediatric vision screening methods updated

The American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS) recently revised the guidelines for reporting the results from studies of preschool vision screening instruments.

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