Reporter May 22 2015

Effort to enhance documentation, coding gains focus

Documentation in the health care world is the fundamental communication method for clinicians in regard to their patients’ care.

Study seeks to bolster outcomes for acute heart failure patients

With support from a three-year, $2 million research grant from Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the American Heart Association are teaming up to study heart failure care in the Emergency Department.

HIV cell

‘Redesigned’ antibodies may control HIV: study

With the help of a computer program called “Rosetta,” researchers at Vanderbilt University have “redesigned” an antibody that has increased potency and can neutralize more strains of the AIDS-causing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) than can any known natural antibody.

Grant helps expand training outreach program in Kenya

In an especially underserved region of western Kenya, expectant mothers requiring cesarean section are the focus of a new $2.6 million grant to Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), Kenya’s AIC Kijabe Hospital and the Kenya-based Center for Public Health and Development.

Initiative to speed call response times sees success

For patients who pick up the telephone to call VUMC, one of the first opportunities to make a good impression is how quickly they get a real person on the line.

This year’s Farmers’ Market set for alternate location

Because of the ongoing restoration work on the Medical Center plaza, the Vanderbilt Farmers’ Market will be relocating to the curved section of Medical Center Drive adjacent to Vanderbilt Stallworth Rehabilitation Hospital

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