Reporter Oct 21 2022

close up of blood vessels

Vascular dysfunction during sepsis

Regulation of the enzyme Sirtuin 1 in blood vessel endothelial cells may drive altered metabolism and vascular dysfunction during sepsis, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

Metabolic signatures of Type 2 diabetes risk

Vanderbilt epidemiologists found 32 blood metabolites associated with obesity and showed that adding these to traditional disease prediction models improves accuracy of determining Type 2 diabetes risk.

New target for lung fibrosis

Blocking thromboxane-prostanoid receptor signaling protected animals from lung fibrosis in preclinical models, suggesting a new treatment for IPF — a chronic, progressive lung disorder that often kills within 3-5 years of diagnosis.

Yike Li, PhD, and Maria Powell, PhD, examine patient Judit Kiss during a follow-up appointment at the Vanderbilt Voice Center.

Implanted stimulator used to treat vocal cord paralysis

Vanderbilt is the only place in the world that has an implantable bilateral pacemaker that can stimulate opening of both vocal folds in patients with bilateral vocal fold paralysis, allowing them to both breathe and speak.

Insulin in vials

Aging beta cells hasten Type 2 diabetes

Vanderbilt investigators have found that aging induces chronic cellular stress in pancreatic beta cells, which could contribute to the development of diabetes as we age.

Meena Madhur, MD, PhD, Matthew Alexander, MD, PhD, and colleagues are studying how a common genetic change impacts the development of inflammation and high blood pressure.

Study sheds light on the development of inflammation, high blood pressure and resulting kidney damage

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