Reporter Oct 28 2016

Pediatric Rheumatology’s Graham driven to care

A thank-you message is pinned to the wall of the work room of T. Brent Graham, M.D., and his team. The crayon-penned note reads simply, “Than you for tacen car of me Dr. Graham.”

Study tracks makeup of VUMC collaborative care teams

At Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) there are about 486 distinct operational units involved in inpatient care and evaluation.

Emerging field of cardio-oncology seeks better tools

Improved therapies have led to a spike in the number of people living with cancer, and today there are more than 15.5 million survivors in the United States. However, some of these therapies can cause toxicities to the heart, the vessels and the body’s metabolism.

Scaring up a good time

The Health Plus Pumpkin Carving Competition on the Medical Center plaza last week drew 40 entries, with employees voting for their favorites.

Protect against ransomware

Steps to protect yourself when using public Wi-Fi

The Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) campus has a secured vuNet Wi-Fi connection that requires a valid VuNetID and an ePassword to access. In addition to authentication, all traffic on the vuNet Wi-Fi network is encrypted. The Medical Center Wi-Fi network is very secure, but that is not the case for many public Wi-Fi access points.

EpicLeap Space Stations reach thousands of VUMC employees

Ten EpicLeap Space Stations were launched in Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) inpatient areas, outpatient clinics and other locations in September, and they provided a unique way for employees to learn more about the sweeping technology initiative to implement VUMC’s new clinical, administrative and billing software.

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