Scott Baldwin

Study defines role of steroids in congenital heart disease surgery

Steroids are commonly given to infants during open-heart surgery to reduce inflammation, but whether the drugs significantly improve patient outcomes has not been settled — until now.

Family’s gift supports addressing psychosocial needs of cardiac patients’ families

Ellen and Bo Boyer’s first child, a daughter they named Brett, was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect (CHD) while in utero. The couple was told that their beloved daughter would require open heart surgery to survive.

Cell-cell signals in developing heart

Scott Baldwin and colleagues have discovered early signaling events during heart development, findings that could guide cell replacement therapies for heart disease.

Baldwin awarded AHA’s Helen B. Taussig Memorial Lecture

Scott Baldwin, M.D., director of the Division of Pediatric Cardiology, recently was awarded the American Heart Association’s Helen B. Taussig Memorial Lecture, considered one of the most renowned invited lectures in the United States.

Profiling heart cells

A “profile” of the genes and regulatory networks that govern early heart valve development lay the groundwork for generating valves from a patient’s own cells.

Cell source of heart’s blood vessels

An unexpected group of cells generates the coronary arteries and may be useful for regeneration therapies following injury to the heart.