Stacey Kendrick

Fallen off the resolution wagon? Vanderbilt expert offers four steps to get back on

We’re now more than a month into the new year, and those optimistic resolutions that greeted 2016 have—heavy sigh—not exactly worked out as you hoped. A Vanderbilt expert on lifestyle changes says that those who have come up short on their resolutions should take heart.

Fallen off the resolution wagon? Vanderbilt expert offers four steps to get back on

leafy greens

Vanderbilt nutrition educator says St. Patrick’s Day green is the luckiest color for our diets

Vanderbilt health educator suggests nine steps to a healthier heart

Nine steps to a healthier heart.

Grilled vegetables are a healthy and satisfying summer dish. (iStock)

Vanderbilt health educator offers tips for healthy tailgating

As Heart Month turns 50, Vanderbilt health educator offers tips for heart health

9 tips for heart health